Now our videos also got English subtitles.

At the request of foreign interested parties, we have now made English subtitles for our videos, so you can also get an insight into how it all works, even if you are not Danish.

As always, we are ready by phone or email if there are any questions or interest in a demonstration of our system.

Links to the videos on youtube can be found here. Irrigations system – and how it works, with english subtitles.  assembly guide with subtitles in English.

New irrigation system for cc installed in Plantorama Egå.

Plantorama Egå has just had an irrigation system installed for 5 cc, which makes it easier for them to ensure fresh and tempting plants outside the center.

We have chosen to try a solution for 5 cc to a start, to see how it works. My first impression is that it works incredibly well, and is very easy to use, flexible and simple, says Tommy H. Andersen, who is Center Manager at Plantorama Egå. We are considering putting it to our automatic irrigation system so that the plants are already irrigated when we meet in the morning. Then it is easy to just drain the excess water from the trays so that the plants do not drift off water when customers come and buy from them. We have the great advantage that all the water that lands on our tiles is collected in our large rainwater tank, and recycled for irrigation, says Tommy and smiles.

Beautiful presentation with Lyng, which is now irrigated with irrigation systems from Flower-Tray.
Ready for sale - watered easily and simply with automatic irrigation system.
Here you can see how the individual cc are connected with quick couplings, which can easily be removed if a container becomes empty.

Our largest irrigation system to date for 20 cc is now installed at Lagersalg Haverslev

Our largest solution so far for irrigating CC flower containers (The world's largest of its kind) is now installed in Lagersalg Haverslev. Hear Henrik in the video talk about why he has chosen to invest in this solution. Henrik has got an irrigation system installed for 20 cc. He can irrigate all at once by connecting 2 water hoses. Henrik has also chosen to install an irrigation clock, so the irrigation can take place at night. Then the plants are soaked when Henrik meets in the morning, and he can drain excess water from the trays, so the plants are more dry for the customers when they buy them. Contact Me if you want to hear about your options for automatic watering of your flowers outside the store.
Henrik har fået installeret vandingsanlæg til 20 cc. Han kan vande alle på en gang ved at tilkoble 2 vandslanger. Henrik har ydermere valgt at installere et vandingsur, så vandingen evt. kan foregå om natten. Så er planterne gennemvandet når Henrik møder om morgenen, og han kan så tømme overskydende vand af bakkerne, så planter ikke er så våde, når kunderne skal købe dem.

Contact Me if you want to hear about your options for automatic watering of your flowers outside the store.

The world's largest irrigationsystem for cc flower containers to date - Henrik can now automatically irrigate 20 cc. containers at once by connecting 2 water hoses.

Meny in Klarup - a satisfied customer

Meny in Klarup received some of our irrigation trays for cc on 20/4. m. plugs in. I have visited Anette to ask her if she is happy with her new irrigation system. Anette is really happy with this solution. She says that she used to irrigate the flowers twice a day - now she can settle for 1-2 times in 3 days depending on the weather. The solution is simply better when they are allowed to soak up everything they can before emptying the trays by pulling the plugg. So I have saved time and reduced my throwaway, she says.

New customer at Flower-Tray

Just a few photos from Rema 1000 Aars, where we have supplied irrigation trays. They have chosen to buy our irrigation trays which fit Eur pallets with swamp. We have made it possible to drain water out of the tray, simple and easy with a small plug. This means that if it rains, you can pull the plug and the water disappears. This prevents the plants from drowning. At the same time, you also avoid that the water can stand and rot in the trays, and become disgusting. When you pull the plug, the worst impurities also disappear from the bottom of the tray. The terrain in the parking lot slopes a bit, and therefore it is necessary to get extra water in the tray so all plants can get the water they need. After 30-60 minutes, the plug is lifted and the excess water disappears. Easy and simple.

Great presentation they have made I think - What do you think ??

Dagligbrugsen Gandrup has also bought our irrigation system for cc.

We have also installed irrigation systems for cc containers in Dagligbrugsen Gandrup. Henrik is super happy with his new irrigation system which helps him keep his flowers fresh and inviting at the store entrance. It makes it much easier to care for the flowers outside with this system. The sun is melting our plants against south, so it is a difficult balance to irrigate enough, and not too much. That is why I have chosen this system, says Henrik. #passeblomster#blomsterbutik#vandeblomster#vandingsanlægtilcc#irrigationssystemforcc#irrigationforretailers#irrigationforflowers#dagligbrugsenGandrup

Rema 1000 Dronningborg has also chosen to buy our newly developed irrigation system for cc.

Grocer Jesper Stenberg says: It is a great solution, and I think it will make it easier to keep the flowers fresh now and especially during the summer holidays. I try to make it as easy for my employees as possible so we always appear fresh and inviting, right out of the parking lot. That is why I have chosen this solution, which I think is ingenious. I think this solution will give even better results when the summer holidays starts, and it is our successors who will take care of the flowers. Now we can irrigate 5 cc. simply by connecting a water hose. While we irrigate, we can trim, write price tags, or fill up new items.

Jesper has also chosen to buy some of our Eur trays with a plug, which allows them to empty of excess water. This prevents the plants from drowning, which has been a problem in the past, especially when it has rained a lot.

Now we have an irrigation system installed at Blomsterbixen Præstbro.

  • Lenette, who owns Blomsterbixen in Præstbro, says: It is so difficult to control the irrigation when the sun is right on. That is why I have chosen to invest in this facility and these trays. I believe I can do a better irrigation, and save some time on it at the same time. It's smart to be able to control the water level in the trays with the irrigation system - I need that with sloping shelves and when the terrain slopes.
  • Lenette also chose to buy some of our trays with plugs - so she can empty the trays of excess water - just by pulling the plug. This prevents the plants from drowning, and at the same time ensures that all plants can get enough water despite sloping shelves and sloping terrain.

World premiere of irrigation systems for CC flower containers.

Now we can finally unveil our new irrigation system which fits cc containers. We are proud that we are the first in the world to succeed in producing an irrigation system that is simple, inexpensive and efficient to ensure irrigation of plants that are in one or more cc. The system is very flexible, and with an ordinary water hose you can water up to 10 cc at a time, and at the same time have both hands free to trim the flowers. The water level can be adjusted individually in the trays, and thus it can take into account sloping shelves and sloping terrain. After irrigation, the trays can be emptied easily and simply.

See more about our system on these youtube videos.

Assembly instructions

Presentation of irrigation systems.

News in our product line

We have developed a new tray where there is an immersion (Swamp), which allows us to drain the tray. This is done by purchasing a plug and drilling a hole. It is a great advantage to be able to water abundantly if the terrain is sloping. Thus, all plants can absorb the water they need, after which excess water can be shut off. The same is true if there is a period of heavy rainfall. Then you can refrain from inserting the plug, and the plants will therefore not be watered. Smart and simple.

Contact us for more information.

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