Our largest solution so far for irrigating CC flower containers (The world's largest of its kind) is now installed in Lagersalg Haverslev. Hear Henrik in the video talk about why he has chosen to invest in this solution.
Henrik has got an irrigation system installed for 20 cc. He can irrigate all at once by connecting 2 water hoses. Henrik has also chosen to install an irrigation clock, so the irrigation can take place at night. Then the plants are soaked when Henrik meets in the morning, and he can drain excess water from the trays, so the plants are more dry for the customers when they buy them.
Contact Me if you want to hear about your options for automatic watering of your flowers outside the store.
Henrik har fået installeret vandingsanlæg til 20 cc. Han kan vande alle på en gang ved at tilkoble 2 vandslanger. Henrik har ydermere valgt at installere et vandingsur, så vandingen evt. kan foregå om natten. Så er planterne gennemvandet når Henrik møder om morgenen, og han kan så tømme overskydende vand af bakkerne, så planter ikke er så våde, når kunderne skal købe dem.
Contact Me if you want to hear about your options for automatic watering of your flowers outside the store.