Who is Flower-Tray

We are a start-up trading company from March 2021. We have come into the world to help retail stores, nurseries, stores, and florists keep their flowers fresher with easier and safer watering. With our products, time consumption and discards can be reduced, and the customer also comes home with a fresher and more durable product.

The founder, Arne Wammen, has worked in the retail industry for many years, and has always been interested in having a beautiful flower department, where the goods are taken care of, for the benefit of the environment, customers and the bottom line. A beautiful and inspiring floral department gives customers an impression of a fresh store.

We have made a collaboration with the World's leading manufacturer of bases for Horticulture tables. Therefore, there is a guarantee of a proper quality product, which is specially designed to ensure a better and easier irrigation of the flowers.

Our Trays are made to fit standard solutions, such as cc containers and euro pallets.

The owner - Arne Wammen is a dedicated person who now works full time with this company, who wants to make a difference for everyone who sells flowers and other plants.

We develop and sell smart solutions for retail irrigation. We are also happy to help with specific issues and needs, via an individual dialogue.

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